Dmitry Chuzhakou

Dmitry Chuzhakou DSNT87

Dmitry Chuzhakou (DSNT87) is an artist and sculptor
He started career in art in 2000 with a passion for graffiti. Drawing on the street laid the foundation for
my further creative activity.Having played enough with writing letters, started to experiment with abstraction, ornamentality and light projections in an urban environment.

Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist

He offering only hints, he execute the entire layer of information that a person has absorbed with eyesight during his life up to the present moment. DSNT87 wants to interact with this accumulated information through his work. He deliberately abandon human-made techniques, he doesn't want the performance technique to distract viewers from pure forms. His works looks like industrial objects, although most of my work are hand-built.

Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist
Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist Artist